Week 1

Adams PBA Journey My personal journey in life, health, and renewing my passion It has been 15 years since I've bowled in a league. I saw that there was going to be a meeting at a local bowling lane, so I decided to attend, hoping that there would be a team looking for one more member. Lucky for me, there was a team seeking a member. We decided to call ourselves 4 of a kind. My first week was so surreal being back on the lanes. This was over 20 years of my life, where I looked forward to going so many times. Sitting there, I wondered just how much rust I would have and what my fatigue would be like. I questioned the strength of my wrist and arm. I had been doing pushups at work to build my stamina and my strength. So there I was, looking down the lanes again, feeling the joy I had missed for so long, waiting to once again roll the ball down the lanes and try to help my team reach vi...